Opening it with Notepad, you'll see different nested sections for presets of different characters. Copy the file out and place it in Data3.pak after you modify it. The file is Data0.pak > "data\presets\humanai.pre".įirst, never alter the Data0.pak files directly. Immunity Toxins and Night immunity – makes hero immune to toxins and night effects.Hi.Unlimited Arrow and Bolt – never-ending arrows for bows and bolts for crossbows.Infinite Stamina – this one is self-explanatory.Unlimited Weapon Durability – disables the weapon wear system, which means that a weapon once acquired will never be damaged and we can use it as much as we want.It also allows you to change the balance of the game, e.g. You can use it to activate, among others, immortality. Joew Dying Light 2 Mod – a trainer-style program.Increased Survivor Sense – enhances the sense of survival.Grappling hook buff – this mod enhances the capabilities of the grappling hook line in the game.Faster Dash Sprint – This mod increases the length and speed of a sprinting.Increased Durabiliy – increases the durability of weapons, thanks to which they wear much slower than standard.
Easier Challenges – reduces the difficulty level of challenges.Less XP and Trophies Grind – greatly reduces grind, both in terms of character development, upgrades and crafting.
Gameplay facilitations Gameplay facilitations that maintain level of challenge We run faster, jump farther and higher, and can use the rope almost without any restrictions.
Spider-Aiden – a mod that changes the main character almost into Spider-Man. #DYING LIGHT MOD MORE ENEMIES FULL#
More Zombies – Max Density – a mod that maximizes the number of zombies spawning on the maps, making the streets full of the living dead. Alternatively, if you want to slow down the flow of time, but not to the real level, you can use Slower Time. With the modification, time runs just like in the real world – an hour in the game lasts an hour on the clock. An alternative project of this type is Physics Are Back. Physics Overhaul – improves the physical effects of bodies reacting to hits. Proper Dynamic Weather – the mod introduces many additional weather conditions and increases the realism of this aspect of the game. It's worth mentioning that the project is a successor to the analogous I Am Legion mod to the first Dying Light. The mod also introduces environmental changes that increase the variety of weather conditions, adds realistic physics that changes combat, making the effects of receiving attacks seem less like animations, and more something that's partly governed by the physics engine, as was the case in the first installment of the cycle. There are also more of them on the maps and they chase the player much further. Opponents are generally more effective and their behavior is more varied and less predictable. It modifies the AI so that zombies become fiercer and more aggressive, and human opponents become smarter. The project greatly boosts the survival aspects of the game. I Am Legion – Reborn is the most comprehensive mod changing the gameplay in Dying Light 2. This element is highly experimental and some of these functions do not work yet. Unlocks and activates many additional graphics settings that were included in the engine but not enabled in the game. It also gently adjusts the contrast and saturation, so there is no longer any need to use e.g. Slightly modifies the minimum and maximum exposure values. Removes or reduces various post-processing filters such as lens flare, sky blur, afterglow, streaks, etc. Increases the number of zombies and other enemies on the maps.
Increases the level of detail at longer distance for trees, shadows, and other objects. Additionally, you will encounter fog, overcast sky and storms more often (this feature will be unlocked after switching to the second map). Alters the weather cycle so that it rains more often at night. The mod improves the graphics to a degree far beyond what the game settings offer. The most ambitious project changing the visuals of the game is Dying Light 2 Enhanced Mod.