We also derive the CRLB for MIMO radars with widely-separated antennas for estimating the target’s location and velocity, and we compare it to the CRLB for the multistatic radar. Not only is the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) derived but also the performance of the proposed algorithm is analyzed and verified through Monte-Carlo simulations in an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). CRLB for phased array radars is a special case of the CRLB for MIMO radars with colocated antennas.

The proposed estimator has better performance than the conventional estimators. By applying a weighted average scheme to the received signal, the proposed algorithm improves the accuracy of the frequency estimation. 1.3Methods of Target Position and Velocity Estimation in Radar Networks.6 1.4Problem Formulation.6 1.5Research Objective and Approaches.9 1.6The Outline of the Thesis.

The conventional estimator can alleviate the effect of a diffused Doppler frequency. Keywords: time diversity iterative frequency estimation weighted average scheme pulse Doppler radarĪbstract: This paper proposes a time diversity based iterative frequency estimation scheme with low signal to noise ratio (SNR) for pulse Doppler radar based on weighted average. Our CRLB analysis will provide a quantitative measure of passive radar network performance. INTRODUCTION T HE AIM OF localization is to nd a geometrical point of intersection using measurements from each receiver, based on the time difference of arrival (TDOA), the time of arrival (TOA), or the angle of arrival (AOA). Home // ICNS 2015, The Eleventh International Conference on Networking and Services // View article lower bound (CRLB), multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), position estimation, time delay. Time Diversity based Iterative Frequency Estimation with Weighted Average Scheme with Low SNR for Pulse-Doppler Radar