Two, manually partition the part of the HDD that will be used to install Ubuntu 14.10.

One, let the installer take care of business, using its automated partitioning scheme. There are two methods that could be used to get that done. 15, so you've got time to stake your claim. Simple install Ubuntu 14.10 alongside Windows 8 on the computer. That's it! Your 50GB will be available across all corners of your Box account. Make sure to click the confirmation link within that e-mail. Step three: Watch for an e-mail confirming that your account has been upgraded to 50GB. If it's already installed, you'll need to sign out of your account (within the app), then sign back in. Step two: Install the Box app for iOS (it requires iOS 6 or later), then sign into your newly created account. Step one: If you don't already have a free, personal Box account, sign up for one. Installing the iOS app bumps you to 50GB.
Here's how to get it: A free Box account starts you with 10GB.

(This echoes the 50GB offer Box extended to Android users nearly two years ago.) Beyond that, enjoy your 50GB of lifetime storage, which is available even if you already have a Box account (but not cumulative, so whatever amount you have now, it'll top out at 50GB). What's the catch? You'll need an iOS device of some kind. As you may have heard earlier today, Box is now offering a whopping 50GB of free cloud space to help celebrate the launch of its new iOS app. That's pretty good, but it just got way better. (Those two competitors give you just 2GB and 7GB, respectively.) Cloud-storage service Box already beats the likes of Dropbox and SkyDrive by offering 10GB of free storage to anyone who signs up for a personal account.